221 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for Sun Tzu Jr


Tue 11th Aug 21:47
Iwo Jima rated  Superb
Great board that takes a few games to understand, and many more to master. It really captures the strategy of either climbing the hill or defending from the better position, and strategy definitely weighs heavier than luck. Best thing is that it is fun and relatively quick to boot. The only thing I don't like is the abandonment of territories - it's screwed me a couple of times, but I realize that it's on me and it adds another strategic option, just have to be careful.
#6 of 6
Sun 26th Oct 19:37
Renaissance Wars rated  Great
Very interesting (and fun) board. There's a lot going on so it takes a couple of runs at it to get the hang of it. Tough to figure out when to gather strength and territories and when to strike for the win.
#5 of 6
Tue 5th Jul 15:26
Captain's Log rated  Good
Simple fun. With tiny troop allotments, miniscule card values, and a very constrained map, the game can only take so long. Think if it as a concentrated strategy.

Sure is pretty, too.
#4 of 6
Thu 30th Jun 11:00
Colossal Crusade rated  Superb
Great balance and strategery
#3 of 6
Wed 22nd Jun 15:01
Mobs of New York rated  Perfect
This reminds me of growing up in NYC, except that in my NYC there is something called "The Holland Tunnel"
#2 of 6
Wed 4th May 19:19
Hawaiian Islands rated  Good
Went back and forth a couple of times, it's hard to really hold any ground for too long. A great time was had by all!
#1 of 6